DIY Home Decor Categories

How to Personalize Your Bathroom with a DIY Shower Curtain

Fussy cut floral chinoiserie print neutral taupe orchid wasabi DIY shower curtain for bathroom makeover The Decor Guru

It’s funny how history repeats itself. Maybe I’m putting out some good decor karma out there. Or maybe I’m existing in a parallel universe. Or maybe I need to stop thinking so much and get my Zen on. Whooooossaaaahhh.

A few apartments ago, while searching for inspiration for my bathroom makeover, I came across a fabulous chinoiserie fabric. It was kismet: the pattern, a floral Asian print, was to die for and the colors were just what I needed in my funky mint green bathroom.

Four years later, I’m living in a different apartment in a somewhat opposite situation: wondering how I could add personality into my bland, beige bathroom. (I never knew how much I’d love white walls until I moved here. Beige just isn’t becoming.)

Again, I was searching, came across this lovely Asian floral print, and knew it was destiny. But this time around, I stepped up my game when making the shower curtain. Continue reading to check it out.

Like most textile decor items, I’ve found it far more rewarding to go the DIY route so you can choose your own fabrics. Doing this provides makes it so much easier to personalize your home the way you want it, from colors to prints to texture.

When I DIY’ed my first shower curtain years ago, I was a more of a sewing novice. Because the fabric was not as wide as a shower curtain should be (about 70″), I sewed the printed fabric onto a bedsheet to make it wider.

DIY Shower Curtain red bamboo mint green floral chinoiserie bathroom makeover The Decor Guru

With my current bathroom, the fabric was again not wide enough. However, I accepted the challenge and went with a fussy-cut. It’s not perfect, but I’m pretty impressed with myself. There’s probably an easier, more professional way to bind together a fussy cut fabric, but this is how I went about it. From a distance, you barely see the seam anyhow.

Fussy cut floral chinoiserie print neutral taupe orchid wasabi DIY shower curtain for bathroom makeover The Decor Guru

The second version of my DIY shower curtain also features a different top. Instead of adding faux grommets, I sewed buttonholes for the shower rings. Because the curtain is fabric and not waterproof, I have a cheapo plastic curtain attached to the same rings behind it.

I really dig how it softens the room. I didn’t want too bold of a change in here, and this is just right: soft with hints of color.

Fussy cut floral chinoiserie print neutral taupe orchid wasabi DIY shower curtain for bathroom makeover The Decor GuruNow I’m sewing a sink skirt in osnaburg (faux linen) to add more softness to the room. I’m debating if I should add more length to the curtain with the osnaburg? What do you think?

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Filed under: Bathroom, Decorating Tips, DIY, Rental Decorating, Reveals + Makeovers, Sewing, Textiles