Caffeine addicts unite! If you love coffee, then you know as well as I do that your life tends to revolve around it sometimes. You wake up and make a pot of coffee, you go on a coffee break mid-day, you need that 2 PM cup o’ Joe to help you finish the afternoon up – there’s a coffee schedule. So if your life revolves around coffee, why can’t your home revolve around coffee, too? Now, with these incredibly creative and adorable home decor ideas, it can! Get inspired by fellow coffee lovers who have made their passion for java the focal point of their home with some DIY coffee stations.
Make this coffee station your own with your very own initials and a boldly painted wall in your favorite color.
If you don’t have a lot of space to spare, there’s no need to put up an entire station, per say. If you have an empty cabinet, use those shelves to hold your coffee mugs and put a colorful tray below to hold your coffee maker!
Reusing old furniture is a brilliant and cost efficient way to make your own coffee station. This old entertainment center (with a little sprucing up) has the perfect setup to transform into a makeshift station.
You don’t need a whole room to make a coffee station. Use the corner of your kitchen counter and section that off as your “coffee corner”.
Don’t be afraid to add a little color! Use a white background to highlight some brightly colored mugs and decor.
Looking for a space to make your coffee oasis? Like the entertainment center, an old bureau has enough counter space to hold your whole coffee station. Bonus points for painting it a fun color and using the drawers to hold extra accoutraments.
These amazing shelves have a spot for every mug you own. If you have a lovely mug collection, this is the perfect set up to show off your collection.
Rustic colors are all well and good, but plain neutrals can be boring. And coffee shouldn’t be boring! A big, bright station is the perfect focal point to pull your station together.
Hang your favorite piece of art over your coffee station to add another layer of serenity and personality as you drink your coffee. I also love the many shelves of the coffee cart below – plenty of space for whatever you need.
This hidden coffee station takes up no space in your kitchen, but when the secret door is opened up, your own caffeine hideaway is inside. Very subtle.

One of the best parts about coffee is how it brightens your day! So why shouldn’t your coffee cove brighten your day, too? Pick a bright corner and make sure to decorate it with perky signs and cheerful accents.

Carts are easy to move from place to place (they’re especially great if you tend to change your mind about where furniture looks best), have built-in storage and are inexpensive to make or buy.

If you’re very fancy and you have built-in espresso machine or coffee maker, a pull out shelf is the perfect way to use space efficiently. This way you can build a makeshift station around your fancy machine.

If you have a lot of nudes in your kitchen (white walls, plain wood table) some pops of matching color are just what you need.

Going for more of a rustic look? An antique table sets the scene. Add on some wicker baskets, rustic signs and a vintage tray to hold your coffee maker. You’ll feel like you’re drinking coffee out on the farm.

Not interested in putting up shelves? Hanging up some curtain rods or tension rods give you the perfect place to hang your mugs or baskets to hold your K-cups.

If you’re interested in the cart life, but you really don’t have room to spare, a micro cart (as in very, very tiny) will do the job and look just as great!

Really looking to transform your space? For a little more work and a bit more of an investment, you can add some more layers to your coffee station. I love the vintage feel to this space with the printed tags, the rustic wood boxes, and the old pictures.

Black is a great backdrop for a bold coffee station. Put in some shelves above to hold mugs, jars and some fun signage, too.

For a station that can be used for even more than just coffee, you’ll need lots of underneath storage, some classy hanging lights and insightful quotes to pull together the party atmosphere.

For quick-to-install storage, these wire baskets are easy to hang on your wall and are great to store any coffee accouterments you’ll need.

For a bold, modern look, reserve some window-side counter space to set up your coffee maker. Add some metallic jars and shelves to pull together the futuristic look.

Is anything more fun than a chalkboard wall? Even if your space for coffee is small, the chalkboard will add a fun, rustic vibes to your area and expand your space.

If you’re a bright, colorful person, your coffee station should reflect that! Match bold colors and deck the walls with fun prints to really jazz up your coffee corner.

For a more full-blown experience, commit to a whole coffee bar station. Block out a whole wall for your coffee area and invest in a large counter space with plenty of storage areas. And I can’t emphasize enough how great chalkboard walls are for fun spaces like this! For a legit coffee bar of this magnitude, this chalkboard wall would make a perfect spot for a daily or weekly menu.
Do you love these coffee decor ideas? Do you have a creative coffee station in your home? Share ideas and photos in the comments section below!
Now I’m going to go get some coffee.
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