Pictures and Ideas
Retro kitchen designs are rocketing in popularity as homeowners look to revive the nostalgic fashions of the past. Old-fashioned telephones, retro kitchen appliances, classic memorabilia, and even old-school “futuristic” designs can be used to complete the picture of today’s creative retro kitchens.
The best part is, unlike with most vintage kitchens, you don’t have to be a purist; you can pick and choose retro elements to bring into an otherwise modern kitchen.

Hot Rod: Here’s a contemporary take on a retro kitchen with curved red cabinets, stainless and chrome accents, and modern-retro bar stools. [+] More Pictures
Retro Kitchen Decor: Be sure to bring back items of the past when designing a retro style kitchen. Hang an old fashioned telephone or retro kitchen clock on the wall, and add memorabilia on top of a good old retro kitchen table with chrome trim and classic stools.
For a “retro futuristic” look, recall the rockets and ray guns, bubble cars and robots that captivated the futuristic imaginations of people in the 1950s and 1960s…

Meet George Jetson: This retro-futuristic kitchen features curved turquoise cabinets and a modern com system that lets you gab with friends clear on the other side of town! Far out!
Retro Colors: The most popular colors in retro style kitchens are black, blue, chrome, red, and white. Other excellent retro colors include silver, green, pale blue, turquoise, and yellow. Red kitchen cabinets, white appliances, and chrome accents and knobs are tell-tale signs your home is rooted in the retro style.
1950s American Revival: Let’s face it. Doing a ’50s retro kitchen remodel is a very fun idea. The decade of the 1950s in America had good things going for it stylistically. The clothing, the cars, and even the kitchen appliances were visually appealing in many ways. When one thinks of the American Dream, the classic styles of the 1950s often come to mind. This is what retro kitchen designs are all about.
Retro Kitchen Appliances: Some manufacturers are tapping into the retro revival by creating large and small retro kitchen appliances. Authentic-looking retro toasters, blenders, refrigerators, ovens, and dishwashers all have interesting designs that make today’s modern black, white, and steel appliances seem somewhat cold by comparison.

Cool Cat: A blue retro-style refrigerator and AGA stove add a classic feel to this otherwise “plain Jane” contemporary kitchen. Touch of lemon, anyone?
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